Master of Clinical Pharmacy

Master of Clinical Pharmacy
Programme Overview

Clinical Pharmacy is the principle practice of pharmacists in developed countries, the benefit on patients' health and outcome measures of having a clinical pharmacy service both within the hospital and community settings have been well documented. It has been recognised that there is a need to develop specialist clinical pharmacy services in Hong Kong and this Master programme will provide students with both the initiative to improve our current practice and the confidence to do this effectively.

Upon completion, students will have acquired more advanced skills in applying clinical knowledge in all areas of practice and be able to formulate effective holistic pharmaceutical care-plans for patients. Students would have developed strong awareness on medication safety and skills to critically appraise current clinical evidences in order to apply this knowledge to their evidence based practices. Furthermore, a deeper understanding of their chosen specialised clinical area would be acquired by students, preparing them to discuss current health policies/services in the specialised field, and be innovative in making practical suggestions for various health services. A strong emphasis would be placed on the importance of continuous professional learning to enable students to keep their knowledge and skills up to date in order to maintain high quality pharmaceutical care in their practice.

Curriculum Features
  • Taught by Local and Overseas Specialist Pharmacists
  • The Master of Clinical Pharmacy will be delivered by pharmacists that are specialist practitioners within their field of expertise. Local and overseas speakers will give lectures and tutorials either in person or via video-link to enable interactive sessions.

  • Specialised Knowledge in Clinical Pharmacy
  • The elective component of this Master Programme enables students to choose a course to further advance their clinical pharmacy skills. This will help them to attain specialised therapeutic knowledge within their chosen area as well as an understanding of the current/future policies and services provided in their chosen area.

  • Practice-based Approach to Learning
  • This programme offers a practice-based approach to learning. In the forms of case-based tutorials, ward visits and a well-equipped simulated ward, together with the strong support from the Pharmacy Department at Queen Mary Hospital (QMH), the HKU Shenzhen Hospital, other local hospitals and institutes, students will have better clinical exposure and learn through patient case-profiles discussions with tutors.

  • Self-Directed Learning Culture
  • At the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy of the University of Hong Kong, we aim to create a self-directed learning culture in our students. We believe that these are skills that shall prepare them to cope with the ever-changing world of medicines and provide them with the leadership skills for the advancement of the pharmacy profession.