HKUMed Community Pharmacy

Click to visit the pharmacy website 按此到訪藥房網站
HKUMed Community Pharmacy is established in 2024 and is managed by Pharmacists from the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy of HKUMed. We are the first university teaching community pharmacy in Hong Kong, which is located on HKUMed Campus next to Queen Mary Hospital (QMH). Our goal is to promote innovative interprofessional teaching, research and service models, and to strengthen the role of pharmacists in primary healthcare in Hong Kong.
Contact Us
We are open to the general public 我們歡迎公衆到訪。
Click to visit the pharmacy website 按此到訪藥房網站
Opening hours 開放時間
Monday to Friday 星期一至五
10:00am - 1:00pm; 2:00pm - 6:45pm
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays 星期六、日及公眾假期休息
Room 250-254, 2/F, Academic Building, 3 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
(Footbridge linking to Queen Mary Hospital)
香港薄扶林沙宣道3號學術樓2樓250-254室 (經天橋連接瑪麗醫院)
Google map:
Phone: 57443694
Our Mission
- Develop a sustainable teaching community pharmacy model建立可持續的教學社區藥房
- Nurture future community pharmacists培育下一代的社區藥劑師
- Facilitate interprofessional health services to provide comprehensive care促進跨專業服務,為病人提供更全面的護理
- Ensure Continuity Of Care in the community to improve quality of life of patients 確保護理服務連貫性,致力提升病人的生活質素
- Use practical research to substantiate the importance of community pharmacy services推動實踐研究,發揮社區藥房服務的重要作用
Our Features
- Professional One-to-one Medication Consultations專業一對一藥物諮詢
- Two Private Consultation Rooms設有兩間獨立諮詢室
- lnterprofessional Healthcare Team擁有跨專業的醫療團隊
- Training of Enthu siastic Pharmacy Students培養熱心藥劑學生
Our Services
Prescription Dispensing 憑醫生處方配藥 |
Hospital Authority Prescription 政府處方 |
Private Prescription 私家醫生處方 |
Minor Ailment Service by Pharmacists 藥劑師小病小痛管理服務 |
Travel Medications 旅行藥物 |
Cold and Flu 傷風感冒 |
Indigestion 腸胃不適 |
Itchy Skin 皮膚痕癢 |
Motion Sickness 暈車暈船 |
Muscle Soreness 肌肉酸痛 |
Insect Bites 蚊叮蟲咬 |
Healthcare Produ cts / Monitoring Devices 健康護理產品 / 儀器 |
Blood Glucose / Blood Pressure Monitors 血糖 / 血壓計 |
Wound Care Products 傷口護理 |
Nutritional Products 營養產品 |
Supplements 保健品 |