HKU Graduates

HKU Graduates

Over 230 local registered pharmacists graduated from HKU Pharmacy. They are now in different roles in their pharmacy career. Click to see how they equip themselves with essential skills and knowledge from HKU pharmacy curriculum.

Hospital Authority
Name: Wong Po Kwan, Bryan
Year of Graduation: 2016
Company: Queen Mary Hospital
Current Position: Pharmacist
HKU pharmacy curriculum allows me to learn how to be a competent clinical pharmacist. Training in interprofessional collaboration fosters my communication skills and problem solving skills as a member of the healthcare team.
Name: Lam Tat Chi, Brian
Year of Graduation: 2018
Company: Queen Mary Hospital
Current Position: Pharmacist
Experiential learning in HKU pharmacy curriculum definitely provided me a golden opportunity to acquire skills and knowledge that a competent pharmacist should possess. By connecting theories with hands-on experience, these learning experiences are greatly helpful to me to pursue my career as a clinical pharmacist in hospital.
Name: Kwok Tsz Ka, Simon
Year of Graduation: 2012
Company: Princess Margaret Hospital
Current Position: Pharmacist
Not only the structure of the HKU curriculum, but also the unique university culture and facilities available to me, prepared me for future challenges. There were lots of opportunities to explore various pharmacy areas during study and from which I found my determination to the hospital sector.