HKU Graduates

HKU Graduates

Over 230 local registered pharmacists graduated from HKU Pharmacy. They are now in different roles in their pharmacy career. Click to see how they equip themselves with essential skills and knowledge from HKU pharmacy curriculum.

Pharmaceutical Company
Name: Wong Lok Yee, Anna
Year of Graduation: 2016
Company: Merck Sharp & Dohme HK
Current Position: Regional Labeling Liaison (Asia Pacific, China, Japan)
HKU curriculum provided me an opportunity to gain exposure to local pharmacy law and also critical appraisal on clinical trials. These learning opportunities fostered my critical thinking and skills to build up my career in pharmaceutical company.
Name: Chung Man Chun, Clement
Year of Graduation: 2015
Current Position: Senior Medical Advisor
Industrial drug development module in HKU pharmacy curriculum stresses much focus on the evidence-based medicines and application of knowledge into real practice in pharmaceutical world. They are important to my career development in pharmaceutical company.